«IQChemical» LLC specializes in the field of biotechnology and chemical synthesis of peptides. The company was founded in 2015 by a group of specialists with extensive experience in conducting research in the field of Development drugs for biochemical and pharmacological research.
We have the necessary equipment to produce genetically engineered structures based on DNA and RNA, proteins and peptides using both biotechnological methods and chemical synthesis, as well as their subsequent purification and analysis. The company’s employees have extensive experience in obtaining peptides and proteins of a given structure, and the experience of advanced domestic and foreign laboratories is used in the design and synthesis process.
ContactThe staff of the organization includes four PhD, whose competencies allow conducting research and development at the international level. The results of our studies are regularly published in reviewed scientific journals, as well as presented at conferences and symposiums.
One of the important areas of our activity is the involvement and training of young professionals. We provide students with the opportunity to complete an internship and conduct scientific research in preparation for their final qualifying work in our company.
We actively cooperate with leading universities — St. Petersburg State University, A.A. Smorodintsev Influenza Research Institute, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Kursk State Medical University, St. Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University, St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University and research centers, conduct joint research and development.
We provide internship opportunities for students and young scientists.
Our specialists participate in joint scientific projects, share knowledge and advanced technologies.
The research results of our employees are regularly published in reviewed scientific journals.
Within the framework of scientific cooperation, we share our developments and experiences with the professional community, striving to contribute to the development of Russian science and education.